Benton GOP's 2017 Ronald Reagan Celebration Dinner

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Details coming...

Republican Float in Albany's 2017 Veterans Day Parade

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On Saturday, November 11, 2017, Benton and Linn County Republicans participated in Albany's Veterans Day Parade with a float entry and lots of enthusiasm to show our veterans how much their service to this great country means. The Veterans Commemoration Associations' parade theme for 2017 was "Honoring Our Women Veterans, It's Time We Honor Them All."

Many hands helped decorate. Then folks rode or walked with the float and truck. Participants from Benton County Republicans were Louanna Oliver, who expertly pulled the float with the assistance of her son, Bobby; Chair Betsy Close, Stella Guenther, John Detweiler, Garland & PJ Hunter, Arden Ray, Jean & Charles Nelson, and Kristie Hernandez with daughter Izzy and friends Laell, Cheyenne and Alondra; and from Linn County Republicans were Michael Wynhausen, Dale Hummel (photographer), Joe Bullard, Jim Vause, Sr., Mary Grimes and Alma Lee. Jerell from Lane County also joined us with a large Trump flag. All showered veterans with love and enthusiastic shouts of appreciation, while the most energetic passed out buttons to veterans and candy to children and parade goers along the route. The float was this years' 2nd Place winner. Alondra shows off the trophy in a photo. Zumi (dog) rode along too.

From S. Thomas Lewis
This is the link to the Veterans Day Parade at the Republican Float:

2017 Republican Booths at the Benton County Fair

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Benton County Republicans and Benton County Republican Women were neighbors at the Benton County Fair, which ran August 2-5, 2017. Benton County Republicans proudly displayed photos of Republican office-holders, sold "Trump 2020" Tee shirts, hats and collectables, advertised the upcoming August 24th Republican BBQ, sold raffle tickets for the November 16th drawing for an M&P 9mm Shield handgun, conducted voter registration, and conversed with the public. Most importantly, however, volunteers gathered signatures for three statewide initiatives. Fair goers had lots of fun taking selfies and group photos with President Trump. Many thanks to all who volunteered their time and effort to make a difference.

2017 Benton GOP Float in July 8th Philomath Main Street Parade

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Benton County Republicans participated in the Philomath parade on July 8th, 2017. There was excitement in the air as everyone pitched in to help decorate the float. The turnout was terrific and the weather was absolutely perfect for a parade. Enthusiastic flag wavers and sign holders called out, "We love America," chanted "USA, USA, USA," and left the words "Liberty" and "Freedom" wafting in the wind. With places like North Korea and Venezuela in the news lately as reminders that freedoms of the people can be lost to dictatorial power, the float was decorated with some of America's first principles, which must always be protected.

We offer a huge thank you to these fantastic Republicans for their participation: Nic & Louanna Oliver (drivers), Jessica Paulsen, Trinity Paulsen (age 4) and JR, Jeff Limón, John Detweiler, Stella Guenther, Jean & Charles Nelson, Kristie Hernandez, Izzy Hernandez and friend Layell (great helpers/passed out candy), Jerry & Arden Ray, and Garland & PJ Hunter. Doggies Sassy and Zumi were also aboard the float.

2017 - Benton County Republicans Celebrate 4th of July

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Benton County Republicans celebrated Independence Day by participating in the Corvallis All-American Anyone Can Join, Fabulous, Fantastic Fourth of July Parade followed by a fun BBQ & Potluck at the Troop 3 Scout Cabin. Kristie Hernandez organized the BBQ. Due to camera failure, there is little coverage of these events, for which PJ apologizes. If anyone has pictures, please let me know. More details coming...

Corvallis Gazette-Times Article: Corvalliis celebrates Independence Day
Corvallis Gazette-Times Gallery: Corvallis Fourth of July Parade

2016 Organizational Meeting & Dessert

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The Benton County Republican Central Committee held its Organizational Meeting & Dessert on Thursday, November 17th at The Clubhouse (former Camp Adair Officer's Club) in Adair Village. Valley Catering prepared incredible desserts! The chairman, Jerry Jackson, was unable to attend so the meeting was conducted by 1st Vice Chair, Paul Rentz. College Republicans at OSU were sponsored by PCP's and attended the meeting. Speakers were Bill Currier, Oregon Republican Party Chair, and Jeff Gudman, 2016 Republican candidate for Oregon Treasurer. Though Mr. Gudman lost his race, both Chair Currier and Mr. Gudman described how close the race was despite the fact that he started with no name recognition and ran against a candidate with ten times the funds. Following the speakers, credentialing took place and then the Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen (PCP's) held elections for new officers for the 2016-2018 biennium. Elected by acclamation were Betsy Close, Chair; Kristie Hernandez, 1st Vice Chair; Jody Draper, 2nd Vice Chair; Jeff Jimerson, 3rd Vice Chair; Ken Kurth, Secretary; John Detweiler, Treasurer; Steve Winokur, Delegate, Jeff Limón, 1st Alternate Delegate; Chris Close, 2nd Alternate Delegate and Jeff Kubler, 3rd Alternate Delegate. Retiring officers and delegates from the 2014-2016 biennium were thanked for their service and good wishes were expressed to the new officers. The new chair, Betsy Close, spoke briefly with a positive note and thanked PCP's for their vote.

2016 Republican Booths at Benton County Fair

Photos from Jerry Jackson and Art Robinson for Congress - Click photo to view album

2016 Lincoln Day Dinner

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The Benton County Republicans held their Lincoln Day Dinner on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at the Corvallis Country Club with featured speaker Dr. Bud Pierce, Republican Nominee for Governor or Oregon. More details coming...

Tacos & Politics, February 18, 2016

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The Benton County Republican Party is hosting "Tacos & Politics" every third Thursday of the month through October 2016 as an opportunity for candidates to socialize and speak to local Republicans. On February 18th, the featured Oregon Primary Election candidates were Ben West (R) for U.S. House-5th District, Sid Leiken (R) for Secretary of State, Beth Jones (R), Mike Nearman (R-Incumbent) and Jim Thompson (R-former Incumbent) for State Representative for House District 23 and; Jerry J. Jackson, Sr., for Benton County Commissioner. We thank the candidates for coming and attendees for asking great questions!

January 21, 2016 Tacos & Politics - Featured candidates: Dan Laschober (R-for US Senate), Cliff Thomason (I-for Governor), Bob Niemeyer (R) for Governor, Jo Rae Perkins (R) for US House, Mark Callahan (R) for US Senate, Mike Nearman (R-Incumbent) for OR House, Dist. 23, and Jerry Jackson, Sr., (R) for Benton County Commissioner.

December 17, 2015 Tacos & Politics - Featured candidates: Bud Pierce for Governor of Oregon, Rep. Mike Nearman for reelection to OR House, Dist. 23 and Jerry J. Jackson, Sr., for Benton County Commissioner.

2015 Appreciation Dinner (BCRCC)

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On Thursday, November 19th, the Benton County Republicans held their annual "We the People" Appreciation Dinner at The Clubhouse in Adair Village with a nice buffet dinner by Valley Catering. Chairman Jerry Jackson welcomed all and announced that he has filed to run for County Commissioner. He introduced Carolyn Webb, president of Benton County Republican Women and Stella Guenther Immediate Past President; and former CR president Jacob Vandever, who is the new Precinct Committee Person (PCP) chair for the Benton GOP. Bill Currier, chair of the Oregon Republican Party was the featured speaker and he presented a very positive message for the 2016 elections. State Representative Mike Nearman spoke briefly on potential headway for Republicans in the Oregon House. Jo Rae Perkins, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives talked about her conservative values and asked guests for their vote. Heartfelt appreciation went to the guests attending the dinner for they are the wonderful local Republicans, who serve as PCP's or  spend time, energy and give valuable support to the Republican party year in and year out; and the Oregon State University College Republicans, who are eager and enthusiastic to make a difference in GOP politics on campus and in the community.

2015 Veterans Day Parade, Albany, Oregon

Caption: Marine Jim Vause salutes the viewing stand while riding on the Linn-Benton Republican float.
Photo by Mark Ylen, courtesy of Democrat-Herald

On Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, 2015, Benton County Republicans and Linn County Republicans paid tribute to all U.S. Veterans with their joint float entry in the 64th Annual Veterans Day Parade in Albany, Oregon. The parade was organized by the Veterans Commemoration Association and they did a spectacular job again this year! The parade theme was Veterans: "STARS Unlimited - STRIPES United." Benton County Republican Women made 1400 Veterans Day parade theme buttons to pass out to Veterans and children. Parade watchers turned out in huge numbers to show their respect for America's veterans. Early morning decorators from both Linn and Benton Republicans did a fantastic job readying the float for the parade start at 11:00 a.m.. Pulling the float was Louanna Oliver. Riding the float and waving U.S. Flags (veterans shown with branch in which they served) were John Detweiler (U.S. Navy), Charles Nelson (U.S. Air Force), Jean Nelson, Kim Rowe, PJ Hunter, Garland Hunter (U.S. Marine Corps), Mary Grimes and Jim Vause, Sr. (U.S. Marine Corps). Walking with the float and passing out buttons were Michael Wynhausen (Chair, Linn County Republicans) and Stella Guenther. See large collection of 2015 parade photos at the Democrat-Herald. S. Thomas Lewis posted videos of the parade on YouTube: 1 of 4 | 2 of 4 | 3 of 4 (Republican float first 16 seconds) | 4 of 4.

Benton GOP Float in 2015 Philomath Frolic Grand Parade

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LIBERTY rides again! On Saturday, July 11, 2015, the Benton County Republicans participated in the Grand Parade in Philomath, Oregon during the Philomath Frolic & Rodeo. Sorry to say we didn't get photos of everyone but we had a wonderful time happily stressing "Liberty" throughout the parade and getting lots of thumbs up all along the route. Nic and Louanna Oliver pulled the float and Chairman Jerry Jackson and his nephew Stephen walked and passed out candy. Riding the float were Jean & Charles Nelson, Stella Guenther, John Detweiler, Garland & PJ Hunter with Zumi (the dog).

Benton GOP in the 2015 Fourth of July Parade, Corvallis, Oregon

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The Benton County Republicans participated in the Corvallis All-American Anyone-Can-Join, Fabulous, Fantastic 4th of July Parade. Pulling the 'Liberty' float were Nic and Louanna Oliver in their handsome truck decorated with USA flags. Kim Rowe came early to help decorate but couldn't stay to ride the float. Showing enthusiasm for this special American holiday were Jean & Charles Nelson, Stella Guenther, John Detweiler, Garland & PJ Hunter with grandson Ty Sisson and Zumi the Republican Labrador. Chairman Jerry Jackson walked with the float and passed out candy to children. Riders wished all a "Happy 4th of July" and called out "Happy Birthday, America!"

2014 Gun Show

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The Benton County Republicans & Republican Women conducted voter registration, handed out campaign literature and sold raffle tickets at the annual ARPC Gun & Sportsmen Show on September 27 & 28 at the Linn County Expo Center in Albany, Oregon. Ken Kurth chaired this event and was joined by Stella Guenther, Jerry Jackson, Nic & Louanna Oliver, Kim Rowe, Ken McCracken, Kristie Hernandez and PJ Hunter, who took shifts manning the table. It was a very successful event.

2014 Benton County Republican BBQ

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Details coming...

2014 GOP Booths at Benton County Fair

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2014: Benton GOP at Philomath Frolic Parade and Booth

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The Benton County Republican Party participated in the Philomath Frolic Grand Parade in a float designed to support our statewide and local Republican candidates running in the 2014 election. With flags waving and shouting, "Liberty" riders enthusiastically hoisted giant letters spelling "LIBERTY" to parade watchers, who showed their approval with applause! Jacob Vandever, candidate for Oregon House, Dist. 16, and Jerry Jackson, candidate for Benton County Commissioner walked with the float passing out candy to youngsters and greeting voters. Sen. Betsy Close, candidate for Oregon Senate, also participated in the parade riding in a beautiful white Corvette with her fabulous campaign team afoot (we borrowed her photos from Facebook). Louanna Oliver pulled the float… and expertly, we might add. On board were Kristie Hernandez, daughters Ronnie and Alexia with friend Erick, John Detweiler, Stella Guenther and PJ Hunter with Zumi (the dog). Garland Hunter walked the parade route and took pictures. The float won the Grand Marshal's Award trophy. The Benton County Republican Women assisted.

2014 Benton GOP 4th of July Parade Float

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On Independence Day 2014, the Benton County Republicans participated in the Downtown Corvallis "All-American Everyone Can Join, Fabulous, Fantastic 4th of July Parade" on the Benton GOP float featuring our fabulous, fantastic Republican Candidates! Thank you to Nic Oliver for pulling the float and Louanna Oliver for taking the shotgun seat to help. Thank you to Kim Rowe, Ken McCracken, Garland Hunter, who helped set up the float, and to Stella Guenther, PJ Hunter, John Detweiler, Susan Newby, Birdie Reetz, Danny Gonzales, Ronnie Hernandez and Charles and Jean Neslon, who also helped set up and who showed great enthusiasm riding the float, waving flags and promoting LIBERTY and our wonderful candidates! Al and Kathi Hutchinson drove the always classy Sen. Betsy Close in their very classy 1940 Ford convertible. Candidates Jacob Vandever and Jerry Jackson walked the parade route.

Candidates featured: Dr. Monica Wehby for U.S. Senate, Art Robinson for U.S. Congress (Dist. 4), Tootie Smith for U.S. Congress (Dist. 5) Dennis Richardson for Oregon Governor, Sen. Betsy Close for Oregon Senate (Dist. 8), Andy Olson for reelection to the Oregon House (Dist. 15), Jacob Vandever for Oregon House (Dist. 16), Mike Nearman for Oregon House (Dist. 23) and Jerry J. Jackson, Sr. for Benton County Commissioner.

Photos courtesy of Garland Hunter

2014 Benton GOP PCP Sign-up Party, Feb. 18th

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The Benton County Republicans held a PCP Sign-up Party on February 18th at the Grand Oaks Clubhouse in Corvallis with food, and lots of fun. Oregon State University College Republicans President Donald Handeland and Breanna Bannan provided "Family Feud" for entertainment. It was a very friendly feud!

2013 Benton GOP Gun Raffle Winner

Susan Newby of Corvallis wins gun raffle!
Shown with husband Rex Newby at Philomath Gun Shop, Susan shows off her new Stag Arms AR-15.

The Benton County Republicans conducted a raffle for a Stag Arms AR-15 firearm beginning July 31, 2013, opening day of the Benton County Fair, through November 21, 2013. The drawing was held at the Benton County Republican "We the People" Appreciation Dinner. After a flurry of ticket purchases that ran out the clock to the moment of the drawing, Chairman Jerry Jackson selected a member of the audience to draw the winning ticket. The winner was Susan Newby of Corvallis! We offer our congratulations to Susan and a big 'thank you' to all who purchased raffle tickets! We also thank the folks at Philomath Gun Shop for their advice and discount and those who participated in ticket sales. Special thanks to Andrew Decker, who set up the raffle according to all the rules, regulations and permissions required by law.

2013 Republican "We the People" Appreciation Dinner

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The Benton County Republican's held their annual "We the People" Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at the Clubhouse in Adair Village with a wonderful buffet dinner by Valley Catering. Joining the guest list were members of the Oregon State University College Republicans and special guest speakers, Bill Currier, Oregon Republican Party Vice-Chair; W. Scott Jorgensen, author of Reflection and Deputy Communications Director for the Oregon House Republican Office; and District 8 State Senator Betsy Close. Mark Callahan, Republican primary candidate for U.S. Senate also attended the dinner. Following a fun social hour, delicious dinner, and raffle drawing, Jerry Jackson, Chair of the Benton County Republicans, turned the evening program over to 1st Vice Chair Stan Baker, an inspiring speaker in his own right, to introduce the speakers.

2013 Veterans Day Parade, Linn & Benton GOP Float

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The Linn and Benton County Republicans participated in the Albany Veterans Day Parade on Monday, November 11th to show their appreciation and respect for the Veterans who have served our country so honorably. Republican Primary candidates joining us in this tribute were Rep. Andy Olson for reelection to Oregon House District 15, Mark Callahan for U.S. Senate, State Representative Jason Conger for U.S. Senate and Dr. Monica Wehby for U.S. Senate. Rep. Olson graciously volunteered his beautiful red truck and a driver to pull the Republican float. Those walking the parade route passed out candy to children and patriotic buttons to veterans. The buttons were made and contributed by the Benton County Republican Women. Float riders displayed alternating messages, "We love you Vets" and "Thank You" to the veterans with flip cards. We offer our gratitude to the Veterans Commemoration Association for this wonderful event and, most importantly, we offer our thanks to the Veterans.

Participating Republicans from Benton County were Chair Jerry Jackson, John Detweiler, Charles and Jean Nelson, Ken McCracken and Kim Rowe, Stella Guenther, Kristie Hernandez with daughter Alexia, and Garland and PJ Hunter. Participating Republicans from Linn County were Chair Michael Wyhausen, Julie Hetterle with sister Mindi and Mary Grimes. Thank you all!

Central Committee Meeting, October 21, 2013

On Monday, October 21st, the Benton County Republican Central Committee met in the La Raza Room #208 in the Memorial Union on the Oregon State University campus. Chair, Jerry Jackson, made announcements about the upcoming Albany Veterans Day Parade (Nov. 11), the ongoing gun raffle ticket sales and the "We the People" Appreciation Dinner with raffle drawing (Nov. 21). Guest speakers Mark Callahan and Jo Rae Perkins, candidates for the U.S. Senate, introduced themselves and explained why they chose to run for this seat.  They then took questions from the audience and gave their concluding remarks. So far, four Republicans have filed to run in the Primary for senator. Following the candidates, Kim Rowe conducted valuable Merlin training.

September 2013 Central Committee Meeting with Dennis Richardson Speaking

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On September 17, 2013, State Representative Dennis Richardson (R-Central Point), candidate for governor of Oregon, spoke to the Benton County Republican Central Committee.  Rep. Richardson stressed his plans to boost Oregon's economy while creating fiscal stability for years to come.

If anyone would like to add to this album, please send photo files to PJ Hunter.  Thank you.

2013 ORP Convention

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Four members of the Benton County Republican delegation are shown at the August 9th and 10th Oregon Republican Party Platform Convention held in Bend, Oregon at the Riverhouse Convention Center. From left to right are Stan Baker, 1st Vice Chair; Steve Winokur, Delegate; Jerry J. Jackson, Sr., Chair; and Jacob Vandever, convention delegate.

2013 Republican Booths at the Benton County Fair

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We're having a blast at the Fair! The Benton County Republicans and Benton County Republican Women have side-by-side booths at the 2013 Benton County Fair, July 31st through Aug. 3rd! The Benton County Republicans are selling raffle tickets for an AR-15. Tickets are $5 each and the drawing will be held on Nov. 21, 2013 at the organization's "We the People" Appreciation Dinner (need not be present to win). Featured again this year in the booth is the "World's Smallest Political Quiz," a fun way to find out where you stand in the political spectrum. John Detweiler, who manages and analyzes the results claims that Benton County has a libertarian streak... will that be evident this year? The Benton County Republican Women are selling fun patriotic and political buttons and patriotic jewelry. Drop by the booths for ice-cold spring water and take part in the activity.

Thank you to all who volunteered to man the booths. Your participation is truly appreciated.

2013 Benton GOP at Philomath Frolic & Parade

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On July 11-14, the Benton County Republicans once again participated in the super fun and friendly Philomath Frolic & Parade. Those manning the Republican "Floats 'n Votes" booth sold Root Beer floats, lemonade, bottled water, and BCRW buttons; conducted voter registration and collected signatures for petitions, while making friends in Philomath. Our thanks to Andrew Decker, Louanna Oliver, Jessica Paulsen, John Detweiler, Kim Rowe, Susan Newby, Kristie Hernandez and Alexia, Lou and Don Copes, Stan and Glenda Baker, Stella Guenther, PJ and Garland Hunter for helping with setup, takedown or taking shifts in the booth. On the morning of Saturday, July 13th, volunteers descended on our blank parade float and had it decked out in Stars & Strips and shouting LIBERTY in no time. Nic Oliver pulled the float. Nic's wife, Louanna Oliver and granddaughter Janaiah Paulsen rode with him playing patriotic music. Enthusiastic riders on the float were Carolyn Webb, John Detweiler, Kristie Hernandez and daughters Alexia and Veronica (Ronnie) with friends Danny and Tiffany, Jessica Paulsen with baby Trinity, PJ Hunter and Zumi (the dog). Walking with the float and passing out candy were Stan and Glenda Baker, Stella Guenther and Garland Hunter. All helped decorate the float plus Jerry Jackson, Kim Rowe and John & Myrna Bell. With great appreciation, we thank you all!

2013 Food Booth at the Corvallis Red, White and Blue Festival - 4th of July Weekend

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On July 3rd and 4th, volunteers served cabbage rolls and meatballs-on-a-stick at the Red White & Blue Riverfront Festival in Corvallis.  Celebrating Independence Day along the riverfront was lots of fun.  Thank you to all who participated!

New Oregon Republican Party Officials for 2013-2015

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Left to Right: Solomon Yue, Jr., National Committeeman; Chris Barreto, Secretary; Suzanne Gallagher, Chair; Bill Currier, Vice Chair; Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Donna D. Cain, National Committeewoman.

Salem, OR (Feb. 4) – At the 2013 Biennial Organization Meeting on Saturday, members of the Oregon Republican State Central Committee elected Suzanne Gallagher of Tigard, Oregon as the new Chair of the ORP. Gallagher’s slate swept the other three officer positions as well. “Our slate of officers won these contested elections because the Central Committee wanted a team of officers which shared the same Constitutional values, worked together effectively and would turn our Party’s focus to attracting voters to the Party’s candidates,” Chair Gallagher said. Bill Currier, the new ORP Vice Chair and Chris Barreto, the new ORP Secretary, both won contested races for their offices. Ken Taylor, the new ORP Treasurer won by acclamation. See article at

2012 Betsy Close Sworn In as Senator

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Oregon State Capitol, Salem, OR - Republican Betsy Close was sworn in as Senator for District 8 on Friday, October 26, 2012. Senate President Peter Courtney presided over the ceremony and the oath of office was administered by Chief Justice Tom Balmer. Betsy's husband, Christopher, held the Bible that was used when the couple was married 40 years ago. Attending the ceremony were three of the four Close children, Betsy's 100-year-old mother, Ruth Willard of Spokane, Washington, and friends. Cake was served at a reception that followed. Close now fills the remaining two years of retiring Sen. Frank Morse's term.

Photos by Carolyn Webb
See article: Statesman Journal

2012 Republican Barbecue

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The Benton County Republicans held their annual Republican Barbecue on Thursday, August 9, 2012 at Les Wheeler's beautiful farm on Kiger Island in Corvallis, Oregon. Sandy McHenry and volunteers spent the day grilling Tri-tip beef and chicken for a wonderful dinner entrée. Republican candidates for the 2012 General Election took the opportunity to talk with attendees in a casual setting and later spoke as the sun began drop in the western sky (apologies for the horrible photos). The singing group Silver Bells entertained and Chairman, John Bell, served as Master of Ceremonies. Our speakers were Betsy Close, candidate for Benton County Commissioner (Position 3), Jerry J. Jackson, Sr., running for Benton County Commissioner (Position 1), Andy Olson, for reelection as State Representative (District 15), Andrew Decker for State Representative (District 16), Jim Thompson for reelection as State Representative (District 23), Dr. Knute Buehler for Secretary of State, the fiery James Buchal for Oregon's Attorney General, and Art Robinson for U.S. Congressional District Four. We thank our speakers and all who attended this event and offer a special thank you to Les Wheeler for his hospitality and to the Benton County Republican Women for their assistance.

Addendum: In September, Republican Central Committee members in Senate District 8 voted to recommend Betsy Close and two others to serve the remainder of retiring State Senator Frank Morse's term of office. In October, the Linn and Benton County Commissioners voted to appoint Close to the seat. We welcome Sen. Betsy Close as our new state senator.

2012 Republican Booths at the Benton County Fair

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The Benton County Republicans and Benton County Republican Women ran side-by-side booths at the Benton County Fair, August 1st through 4th, 2012. John Detweiler conducted the popular World's Smallest Political Quiz and volunteers conducted voter registration, promoted our Republican candidates, answered questions, passed out stickers, advertised the upcoming Republican Picnic & BBQ (August 9th) and the Republican Women sold tee-shirts and buttons during the fair. Candidates visited the booths to talk with fair goers. It was reported that there were many young people visiting the booths, who identified themselves as Republicans or as planning to vote for Mitt Romney for President. Thank you to all who volunteered to man the booths! Your participation was very much appreciated.

If anyone has photos from the booths and would like to share them here, please contact PJ.

2012 Benton GOP at Philomath Frolic & Parade

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Benton County Republicans participated in the Philomath Frolic at the Rodeo grounds in Philomath, Oregon on July 12th through 15th, with a booth and float entry. In the "Floats 'n Votes" booth, volunteers sold Root Beer floats, conducted voter registration and the Benton County Republican Women sold patriotic buttons. The decor of the Republican float entry in the Saturday parade celebrated the Declaration of Independence, America's founding and featured Republican candidate signage. Andrew Decker, candidate for State Representative, rode the float along with local Republicans. Roman Guenther pulled the float. It is always a pleasure to take part in the Philomath Frolic.

2012 Republican 4th of July Breakfast

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The Benton County Republicans held their eighth annual 4th of July Breakfast at the Lion's Kitchen in Avery Park, Corvallis, Oregon. What a wonderful way to start out celebrating Independence Day! Jerry Jackson, Republican candidate for Benton County Commissioner, chaired this fun event.

Benton County Republicans also participated in the Corvallis "Everyone-Can-Join, Fabulous, Fantastic, 4th of July Parade." The GOP float featured the Declaration of Independence and Republican Candidates' campaign signs. County Commissioner candidates, Jerry Jackson, walked with the float and Betsy Close rode with Al and Kathleen Hutchinson in Al's gorgeous antique auto. The float was pulled by Bob and Linda Bartcher. Corvallis TidBits posted parade video (GOP float at 1:01).

2011 "We the People" Appreciation Dinner

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The Benton County Republican Party held its popular "We the People" Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, November 17th at The Clubhouse in Adair Village. Guests enjoyed a wonderful buffet dinner prepared by Valley Catering. Benton County Chair, John Bell, extended appreciation to Precinct Committeepersons, volunteers and donors for their support throughout the year. PJ Hunter was awarded a beautiful plaque for her volunteer efforts. The main speaker, Allen Alley, Chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, talked about the Republican Presidential Candidates that he had met personally, and shared some humorous experiences and first-hand impressions. He then talked strategy for success in 2012. Maureen Russian chaired the event and, with her helpers, put together a very lovely evening.

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2011 GOP Float for Albany's Veterans Day Parade

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The Linn and Benton County Republicans came together again this year to honor our Veterans in Albany's Veterans Day Parade on Friday, November 11th. Walking with the float and passing out military tribute buttons made by the Benton County Republican Women were Stella Guenther (Benton County), State Representative Andy Olson and Christine Ruck, 2012 candidate for Linn County Commissioner, Deborah Barrett, Jim Vause, and Linn County Republican Chair, Jo Rae Perkins' granddaughters. Riding the float were John and Myrna Bell, John Detweiler, Rex Watkins, Charles & Jean Nelson and PJ Hunter of Benton County and Mary Grimes of Linn County. Kayla Roush, Miss Oregon TEEN USA, was also aboard to pay tribute to the Veterans. Bob Bartcher pulled the float with Garland Hunter riding along. Veteran, Dr. Jared Nelson (Flight Surgeon - Lt. Col. USAF (Retired)) and his son, Michael, followed this Republican entry. Everybody, listed above plus Sue Duncan, helped ready the float on parade day. Many thanks to all. The effort was a pleasure for the opportunity to show our respect and appreciation to our wonderful Veterans, who have served and sacrificed for us all and our great country.

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2011 Benton GOP Booth at Fall Festival

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The Benton County Republicans are back at Fall Festival! Linda Bartcher, chaired the event and she did a fantastic job! We'd like to thank Linda's husband, Bob, for all his help as well. The 2011 menu included Spaghetti with or without meatballs, Meatball Subs, Meatballs-on-a-Stick, Chocolate and Strawberry Sundaes and assorted beverages. The Corvallis Fall Festival ran September 24th and 25th in Central Park. Again, many thanks Linda and Bob and a hearty thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped make this a very successful event.

2011 Constitution Display, Corvallis-Benton County Library

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Presented by the Benton County Republican Women of Oregon
September 2011

Click for text in display: Read More......

2011 Oregon Republican Party's Fair Booth at the State Fair

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Be sure to drop by the Oregon Republican Party's booth when you visit the Oregon State Fair between August 26th and September 5th (Labor Day). The booth was decorated by Stella Guenther with assistance from Kim Rowe, Bob and Linda Bartcher, some of PJ's handiwork, Janice Williamson of Salem, Chris Rusk and Ray Jones of Albany and volunteers from the Oregon Republican Party. The emphasis in the booth is Republican voter registration via "The Power of 1 Pledge." Judging from the pictures that Kevin Hoar, ORP Field Director, so graciously sent us, there appears to be a secondary focus on FUTURE Republican voters. We wish the Oregon Republican Party volunteers much success with their registration efforts.

2011 Benton County Republican Barbecue

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The Benton County Republican Barbecue was held on Saturday, August 20th at Wheeler Farm on Kiger Island in Corvallis, Oregon. Details coming...

2011 GOP Float & Booth, Philomath Frolic

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July 7-10: The Philomath Frolic & Parade is always such a fun and friendly event! The Benton County Republicans participated with a voter registration booth from which they sold Root Beer floats and soda pop. They also participated in the Saturday, July 9th parade in which their "Liberty" float was awarded the Grand Parade first place ribbon.

2011 Benton GOP's 4th of July Breakfast Buffet

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The Benton County Republicans held their 7th Annual 4th of July Breakfast Buffet in the parking lot at Republican Headquarters, 1760 SW 3rd Street in Corvallis. It was a wonderful way to start Independence Day! We offer a great big "thank you" to Jerry Jackson for chairing this event and a special thanks to all our guests for attending.

2011 Adair Village 4th of July Celebration & Parade

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The Benton County Republicans participated in the Saturday, July 2nd Adair Village 4th of July Celebration and Parade with their "Liberty" float and a booth selling Root Beer floats and conducting voter registration. It was a beautiful day and lots of fun!

2011 Armed Forces Day, Corvallis, OR

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On Saturday, May 21st, patriotic citizens gathered on the National Guard Armory grounds in Corvallis, Oregon for a flag rally to honor the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. This was a non-partisan event. The Benton County Republican Women provided refreshments.

Covered by Corvallis Tid-Bits

2011 Lincoln Day Dinner, Auction & Press Conference

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The Linn and Benton County Republicans and the Benton County Republican Women held their annual Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, February 12th at the CH2M Hill Alumni Center in Corvallis, Oregon. In conjunction with the dinner and auction, President Abraham Lincoln (Steve Holgate) held a press conference and spoke to the gathered press (our guests). Once the president started speaking, one could have heard a pin drop in the room.