2010 Tax Day Tea Party, Corvallis
On Thursday, April 15th, Benton County taxpayers showed their disapproval of the government’s unsustainable spending policies and the passage of Obamacare with its massive new entitlements and taxes that the majority of Americans vehemently opposed. President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, Senate Leader Reid and the progressive Congressional Democrats are hell-bent on redistributing the nation's wealth and transforming America into a European-style Social Democracy. Tea partiers are demanding a return to fiscal responsibility and the conservative principles the Founders established in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. The Tea Party was organized by Linda Weimer, Chairman of the Benton County Chapter of Americans for Prosperity.
See the KPTV News video of Lori Rentz as the Statue of Liberty at the Tea Party on steps of the Oregon Capitol.
Also, Bob and Linda Bartcher sent photos from the 2010 Honolulu Tax Day Tea Party that they participated in. View album from Honolulu (30 images).