4th of July Parade 2010, Corvallis


The Benton County Republican's participated in the Red White & Blue Riverfront Festival's All American Everyone-Can-Join Fabulous Fantastic 4th of July Parade in Corvallis. Participants gathered at 11:30 am on 8th St. between Monroe and Jefferson and the parade started around 12 noon with walkers 1st, animals 2nd and vehicles last. The float was decorated with campaign signs of our "All American, Fabulous Fantastic Republican Candidates for 2010." Aboard the Republican float was Rose Cook, candidate for State Representative, District 16; Jerry Jackson, candidate for County Commissioner; Alma and PJ with visiting family, Ty, Karen and Ethan. Tom Cook pulled the float and it was a wonderful ride as parade goers greeted us most kindly with waves and some very enthusiastic thumbs up! The parade ended around 12:30 p.m.