2011 GOP Float for Albany's Veterans Day Parade

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The Linn and Benton County Republicans came together again this year to honor our Veterans in Albany's Veterans Day Parade on Friday, November 11th. Walking with the float and passing out military tribute buttons made by the Benton County Republican Women were Stella Guenther (Benton County), State Representative Andy Olson and Christine Ruck, 2012 candidate for Linn County Commissioner, Deborah Barrett, Jim Vause, and Linn County Republican Chair, Jo Rae Perkins' granddaughters. Riding the float were John and Myrna Bell, John Detweiler, Rex Watkins, Charles & Jean Nelson and PJ Hunter of Benton County and Mary Grimes of Linn County. Kayla Roush, Miss Oregon TEEN USA, was also aboard to pay tribute to the Veterans. Bob Bartcher pulled the float with Garland Hunter riding along. Veteran, Dr. Jared Nelson (Flight Surgeon - Lt. Col. USAF (Retired)) and his son, Michael, followed this Republican entry. Everybody, listed above plus Sue Duncan, helped ready the float on parade day. Many thanks to all. The effort was a pleasure for the opportunity to show our respect and appreciation to our wonderful Veterans, who have served and sacrificed for us all and our great country.

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