2016 Organizational Meeting & Dessert
The Benton County Republican Central Committee held its Organizational Meeting & Dessert on Thursday, November 17th at The Clubhouse (former Camp Adair Officer's Club) in Adair Village. Valley Catering prepared incredible desserts! The chairman, Jerry Jackson, was unable to attend so the meeting was conducted by 1st Vice Chair, Paul Rentz. College Republicans at OSU were sponsored by PCP's and attended the meeting. Speakers were Bill Currier, Oregon Republican Party Chair, and Jeff Gudman, 2016 Republican candidate for Oregon Treasurer. Though Mr. Gudman lost his race, both Chair Currier and Mr. Gudman described how close the race was despite the fact that he started with no name recognition and ran against a candidate with ten times the funds. Following the speakers, credentialing took place and then the Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen (PCP's) held elections for new officers for the 2016-2018 biennium. Elected by acclamation were Betsy Close, Chair; Kristie Hernandez, 1st Vice Chair; Jody Draper, 2nd Vice Chair; Jeff Jimerson, 3rd Vice Chair; Ken Kurth, Secretary; John Detweiler, Treasurer; Steve Winokur, Delegate, Jeff Limón, 1st Alternate Delegate; Chris Close, 2nd Alternate Delegate and Jeff Kubler, 3rd Alternate Delegate. Retiring officers and delegates from the 2014-2016 biennium were thanked for their service and good wishes were expressed to the new officers. The new chair, Betsy Close, spoke briefly with a positive note and thanked PCP's for their vote.
Benton County,
organizational meeting,