2017 Benton GOP Float in July 8th Philomath Main Street Parade
Benton County Republicans participated in the Philomath parade on July 8th, 2017. There was excitement in the air as everyone pitched in to help decorate the float. The turnout was terrific and the weather was absolutely perfect for a parade. Enthusiastic flag wavers and sign holders called out, "We love America," chanted "USA, USA, USA," and left the words "Liberty" and "Freedom" wafting in the wind. With places like North Korea and Venezuela in the news lately as reminders that freedoms of the people can be lost to dictatorial power, the float was decorated with some of America's first principles, which must always be protected.
We offer a huge thank you to these fantastic Republicans for their participation: Nic & Louanna Oliver (drivers), Jessica Paulsen, Trinity Paulsen (age 4) and JR, Jeff Limón, John Detweiler, Stella Guenther, Jean & Charles Nelson, Kristie Hernandez, Izzy Hernandez and friend Layell (great helpers/passed out candy), Jerry & Arden Ray, and Garland & PJ Hunter. Doggies Sassy and Zumi were also aboard the float.
Philomath Frolic Parade