Republican Float in Albany's 2017 Veterans Day Parade

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On Saturday, November 11, 2017, Benton and Linn County Republicans participated in Albany's Veterans Day Parade with a float entry and lots of enthusiasm to show our veterans how much their service to this great country means. The Veterans Commemoration Associations' parade theme for 2017 was "Honoring Our Women Veterans, It's Time We Honor Them All."

Many hands helped decorate. Then folks rode or walked with the float and truck. Participants from Benton County Republicans were Louanna Oliver, who expertly pulled the float with the assistance of her son, Bobby; Chair Betsy Close, Stella Guenther, John Detweiler, Garland & PJ Hunter, Arden Ray, Jean & Charles Nelson, and Kristie Hernandez with daughter Izzy and friends Laell, Cheyenne and Alondra; and from Linn County Republicans were Michael Wynhausen, Dale Hummel (photographer), Joe Bullard, Jim Vause, Sr., Mary Grimes and Alma Lee. Jerell from Lane County also joined us with a large Trump flag. All showered veterans with love and enthusiastic shouts of appreciation, while the most energetic passed out buttons to veterans and candy to children and parade goers along the route. The float was this years' 2nd Place winner. Alondra shows off the trophy in a photo. Zumi (dog) rode along too.

From S. Thomas Lewis
This is the link to the Veterans Day Parade at the Republican Float: